Anxious, Exhausted, or Unfulfilled?



Anxious, Exhausted or Unfulfilled?







Sacred Empowerment

It's time to create a life and career that lights you up without burning you out. Liberate yourself from the Cinderella story so you can be to Success Goddess that you really are! I can help.

Take the Success Goddess Archetype Quiz:

Discover which Success Goddess Archetype is most powerful for you, and how it can empower or sabotage your success and well-being:


I'm Kim Coots, an Inc. 500 award-winning business executive turned Sacred Empowerment & Success Coach. I'm passionate about uplifting and empowering women to live their true potential and enjoy living a life they matter what.



In the hundreds of client sessions I've facilitated, I've found that it's common for a high-achieving woman to struggle with stress, anxiety, or lack of fulfillment despite her success. She's frustrated that she never has enough time, and she's exhausted! Sound familiar?

Ask yourself if you're tired of:

  • Thinking that if you just get more done, you'll have more time so you work harder or faster (yet, the relief never comes)?
  • Losing your true sense of self in all your roles and goals?
  • Engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors like over-(fill in the blank)...analyzing, working, eating, drinking, numbing out to cope with stress?
  • Wishing you knew how to stop living in a stress-for-success lifestyle that isn't tolerable for you anymore?
  • Telling yourself that there has got to be more to life than this?
  • Being anxious, exhausted, or unfulfilled, despite your success?
  • Feeling guilty that you aren't giving your partner, spouse, kids, friends, etc. more quality time?
  • Craving more magic, meaning, and joy in your life? 


I specialize in guiding high-achieving women like you on a transformational journey to create success that lights you up without burning you out.

I've Walked in Your Shoes... 

I know the devastation that living with constant stress, anxiety, and lack of fulfillment leads to. I also know the way out of it. 

I'd always been a go-getter and knew I was here to make a positive impact in the world, but my ambition as an entrepreneur and President of a demanding business led me to become burnt-out and feeling unfulfilled, even though I'd achieved a level of success that many people strive for.

I used caffeine to energize in the morning, anti-anxiety meds to make it through the workday, wine to destress in the evening, and sleeping pills to cope with insomnia. As I aged, I began doing botox, fillers, and got breast implants to hold onto my looks as long as I could, because I believed my appearance impacted my worth. I was also carrying the baggage of unresolved trauma from my adolescence, and I wanted to heal it so it didn't negatively impact my daughter or hold me back from living my true potential.

My desire to heal burn-out and past trauma led me to study with some of the world's most renowned spiritual healing experts, including Dr. Alberto Villoldo. Although I was initially skeptical about spiritual healing, I decided to try it with an open mind. It became a significant catalyst for evolutionary transformation in my life, and the foundation I would rely on time and again through many traumatic experiences.

I kept my spiritual healing experiences hidden because I feared my (mainly male) business colleagues would think I was crazy or not take me seriously.

Then, the unexpected deaths of my only child and my mother turned my world upside down and changed the trajectory of my life. I encountered indescribable grief, health issues, and the darkest night of the soul I wasn't sure I'd return from. 

Something inside me wanted to find the magic and meaning in life because I knew my daughter would want me to, and I knew I was here for a reason. I turned to the sacred healing arts I love to heal, rise, and thrive again. I came out of the spiritual closet to share the principles and practices that I used with other women like you.



Burning out from the stress that brought you wealth is poverty in disguise, and it will catch up with you. Contrary to many of the masculine energy-based books and programs that encourage you how to do more faster, the answer to ending overwhelm is not about doing more, improving yourself, or working harder. It's about discovering and embracing the missing element of Sacred Empowerment that many women haven't been experienced yet.  A new way living where you tap into the power and wisdom of your soul, own your divine worth, know yourself deeply, restore your power, and live your true potential with joy!  

Get re-inspired in your life + leadership so you can make the world a better place without sacrificing your true self, life force energy, or joy in the process!


Let's Go! Start Here:

Sacred Empowerment Session:

***Limited Time Special Offer (save $200)***:

 Spend 90 minutes with me in a transformational virtual session to clarify your desires, uncover what's holding you back, identify inspired next steps and unleash your true potential so you can create the fulfilling life and/or business you were born to live and enjoy! 


Soul Path Astrology Reading:

If you're seeking greater clarity & desire to know yourself deeply: Schedule an astrology reading with me and I'll personally analyze your birth chart before we connect virtually for me to share profound insights into your soul's purpose, life lesson, challenges, gifts, career, road to enlightenment & more. This reading is like receiving a permission slip to be YOU!


Energy Medicine Session:

If you're exhausted, out-of-balance or struggling with a self-sabotaging pattern: Experience a 90-minute virtual Energy Medicine Session with me and discover the power of the oldest healing modality in utilized by medicine men and women worldwide. You'll leave feeling a greater sense of inner peace, connection, and revitalized energy!



Women are naturally wired-up to be intuitive manifestors, whereas men are wired-up to be more analytical action-takers. The days of repressing your intuition are over. Intuition is your superpower and the language your soul uses to inspire you! In fact, I bet you can sense that inner nudge whispering to you that life is short and the time to start enjoying it is NOW...not when you finish your never-ending to-do list.  That's your intuition calling to you!

True wealth, vitality, and fulfillment happen when you bring your soul online with the missing element of Sacred Empowerment. It's easy to make money and feel burnt out or unfulfilled when your ambition does not align with your soul.   

What makes my work unique is that I'm a proven business leader and entrepreneur who utilizes a fusion of sacred, spiritual modalities to help my clients experience fulfillment both personally and professionally.

I'm expertly trained in, personally practice, and professionally offer energy medicine, astrology readings, shamanic healing, and archetype analysis. These ancient arts and sciences, combined with my Sacred Empowerment Methodology, help you transform your life in powerful, positive ways so you can experience, create, and share what your soul is calling you to with courage, confidence, prosperity, and uninhibited joy:

Success Coach for Entrepreneurs:

Are you an entrepreneur (or want to be) seeking support to launch or up-level your business?  I also offer business success coaching - here's how I can help:


For Businesses with Annual Revenue Less Than $1 Million:

Starting a new business from scratch? Ready to launch your thought-leadership movement or up-level your offerings  to include online programs or workshops? I love helping impact-driven entrepreneurs start and/or grow a successful business or movement that you're passionate about from concept to success and everything in-between. 


For Any-Sized Business:

Did you know your business has it's own astrology chart? Discover your business' essence, strengths, challenges, archetypes, and more. Plus, I'll overlay your personal chart with your business chart to reveal insights into your ideal careers, branding, clients, offerings, passions, and more! Be inspired to serve at your highest potential and attract ideal clients you love to work with.


For Entrepreneurial Businesses with Annual Revenue of $1-50 Million:

As a Fractional Integrator and Success Coach who's helped companies go from 6-figure losses to 7-figure profits, I help visionary entrepreneurs of $1-50 million clarify their vision, solve issues, and ensure they have the right systems, resources, and team to achieve their vision profitably and sustainably.


What My Client's Are Saying:

"Kimberly’s wealth of knowledge, tools and experience in both the business world and in the spiritual realm, combined with her calming and nurturing presence, is a powerful combination that helps me unlock clarity and access taking action with ease. Co-creating with Kimberly feels like a gift. Her guidance, practices and inquiries always lead me more authentically back to myself and what I’m here to build. I’m so grateful I get to do this transformational work with her.

Heather Zara

 CEO @ Zara Creative

“From the moment Kim and I started working together I was relieved that someone finally understood what I wanted… and then she took it to the next level! It’s as if she understands my vision better than I do! Kim has provided an outstanding service that is professional and creative and I would highly recommend her!”

Shemane Nugent

TV Host & Thought Leader 

"I was at a place in my life where I wasn’t sure if I was living my purpose or how to be there. Working with Kimberly allowed me the opportunity to search my heart, answer some simple but profound questions, and become aware of a very old belief that no longer works for me. The tools that Kim provides and her exceptional way of delivering them has given me a clearer purpose, filled with endless possibilities. And her mentorship is priceless!"

Judy Goldman

Health Coach @ Goldman Healthworks

Work With Me Virtually:

Clients often ask me if virtual sessions are as powerful as in-person sessions, and they absolutely are (and you're conveniently in the comfort of your own home or office!)


Take the Success Goddess Archetype Quiz:

Discover which intuitive archetype is most powerful for you, and how it can empower or sabotage your success and well-being:

Disclaimer: Services and products offered by Kim Coots are not medical care; they do not diagnose, cure, or prescribe medical care; they offer no guarantees and are not a replacement for medical care. Kim is not a licensed medical provider. If you require medical or mental health care, please see a licensed medical practitioner.